Members Gallery 5
Members Gallery #5
The following images have been submitted by members to show how they have been using the techniques which are taught in the classes. Some of the images are samples created to practice the techniques and some are finished pieces.

Donna Bergman - Here is a photo of a wall hanging that I made from a class in Season 1 using bias strips and applique

Adrienne Pardee

Helen Button - The techniques I have benefited from doing the course on this occasion are piping and binding. I am really pleased with the results as I am a beginner and love interacting with the group.thanks, Helen

Yvonne Stafford - Here is my entry for the draw

Erica Bentley

Gail Labath

Sharon Tuby
Janey J - Loved doing this but my inspiration of using Kaffe Fassett fabric wasn’t as original as I thought looking at Facebook!
Jo Lilley - My wonky heart, that I made into a cushion cover.

Paula Blamey - A few pictures of my attempts at Phillipa's techniques. I have a lot of classes to catch up on and need another 12 hours in a day, however, when I do manage to get to them I thoroughly enjoy myself.

Yana Manktelow

Jennifer Macgregor - This is my beginner quilt from Phillipa beginner class. Member since August 2021.Love the class and am now ready to start the actual classes. I have quilted now for a couple of years but mostly self-taught. This class has taught me so much I now almost enjoy adding binding

Leann C Stites - I used Philippa's method for making mitered borders on this twin quilt I made for my great-niece. It was so much easier than previous methods.

Carole Elliott - My first Precision Piecing attempt made into a cushion for my Summer house.

Jane Petley-Jones - I have been practising perfect piecing and perfect circles while making a ‘Block of the Month’ quilt and here is my latest effort which I am really pleased with thanks to Philippa!

Christa Martin - A crib-sized quilt that I made for our youngest great-granddaughter using piping and wide binding. I absolutely love both of these techniques learned from Philippa and add them to all my quilts now.

Roberta Cornforth - Attached is my mini quilt which was half completed before I took Philippa's second tutorial on piecing. The techniques I learned in the tutorial, especially the benefits of slow sewing and good pinning, meant the quilt improved in the making. Hope this is acceptable.

Julie Mairose - I used the techniques taught in the precision piecing class to use up fabric scraps from a previous lap quilt project.

Karen Walker

Zuzana Xuereb

Francie Elgar

Laura Baker -This is my Happy Christmas Heart made from Phillipa’s Curved Piecing Class. I keep it up all year around because it makes me HAPPY! Made In Inks Lake State Park TX, December 2020.


Elaine Bolton - Hi This is what I'm working on at the moment. It's called unfinished but satisfied. Loving the classes

Alison Thomas - Precision piecing, borders, turned edge applique, Straight line & wavy line quilting and FMQ, piping & binding.

Jean - This quilt I used Philippa’s piping and binding to finish the quilt. I really like how the piping adds to the finish.

Sally Hulst

Grace Nicholls - Attached is my current trapunto / raw edge applique work in progress.Please can you enter me in the Competition, I would love the chance of being a winner.Thank you so much, Grace

Chris Schneider

Carol Ziemba - My very first quilting experience from the Beginner’s Class and I am hooked!
Susan Lund

Jan.Cassells - I'm attaching 2 photos for the gallery and would like to be entered in the book draw. Quilt using applique and binding and Paper piecing pineapple cushion

Jan.Cassells - I'm attaching 2 photos for the gallery and would like to be entered in the book draw. Quilt using applique and binding and Paper piecing pineapple cushion

Marilyn Slagel - I would love to win the book!
Gill Lewis
Kathleen Frankovich - The piping and binding class gave me so many tips that helped me finish this quilt that I made for a charity auction.

Gary & Sue Wold - Here are four items I made from lessons learned from Phillipa. Used appliqué, piping, binding, and fmq lessons to finish this project.

Hilda Goddard - This is my latest sample quilt, improving my piecing skills and some trapunto in the corners.

Anthea Sperlinger - Here is my lap quilt using Philippa’s brilliant techniques

JoAnn Tissington - When I started on this journey I had no idea that I would learn so much or be willing to create pieces such as this. Although I have a ways to go to obtain perfection I have thoroughly enjoyed all the things Phillipa has taught so far and eagerly await each new class. Thank you Phillipa & David!
Lesley-Ann Wilkins - What a lovely opportunity to be entered into a prize draw - really enjoying the course especially happy heart. Thank you, Lesley

Suzy Goodrich

Suzanne Elliott

Chris Harman - One of the many cushions I made following Philippa’s piping lessons.Take care

Rita Aston - Hi David and Philippa, I would love to be entered into the draw for the book. I have searched high and low for one, unsuccessfully! here is my happy heart panel which I learnt so much by doing. Best wishes Rita

Carol Powrie - Please find attached my ‘happy heart’ for the member's gallery.I would love to be included in the draw for Philippa’s book, please!

Doreen White - Here is my Happy Heart, glad you are not judging it. I learnt so much from making the lap quilt, I actually enjoyed every minute. I made it for a very dear friends birthday. I must admit, I was quite tempted to keep it.

Ann Barratt