Members Gallery 2
Members Gallery - #2
The following images have been submitted by members to show how they have been using the techniques which are taught in the classes. Some of the images are samples created to practice the techniques and some are finished pieces.

Sandra Willis - My framed precision piecing sample, framed ready for my new kitchen.

Annie Yeo - Philippa’s on line classes helped me to put a double piped edge on my quilt.

Chris Allington - Here is my most recent favourite quilt using many aspects of Phillips’s guidance - particularly accurate cutting, pressing, piecing and binding.

laura savill - I’m just loving these classes. I pretty proficient but I love the way the skills are transferable to other areas in my seeing life
Lynne Elwell

Jacqui Chandler

Helen Button - The techniques I have benefited from doing the course on this occasion are piping and binding. I am really pleased with the results as I am a beginner and love interacting with the group.
Bernie Wetz - Helped enormously by the beginners class. It’s my best piece of work I have completed thanks to Philippa’s excellent tuition. Thank you I have learnt so much.

Sue Watson - I was delighted to finish this "Trade winds" Quilt using Philippa's mitred corner and wider binding techniques. My sister and her husband were delighted to receive the quilt on the occasion if their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Pam Davis
Chrystalla Slawinski - This is my sample from the precision piecing class and have made several and will eventually make a quilt from them.
Catherine Morgan - Here is my entry for the prize draw. It’s hanging in my daughter’s office and she tells me she had lots of positive comments about it from her work colleagues on Zoom calls.

Kay Courtright

Janice Greer - The photo is from a baby quilt, nearly finished, the mitre corner and machine quilting are from Philippa’s on line classes. I used the bottom line thread and my machine loves it.
Sheila Smith - Attached photo of several makes/samples from classes including FPP, EPP crazy quilt.

Moyra Hicks

Sandie Wills - Here are 3 quilts of the quilts I have made following Phillipa's classes. I have done the beginner's quilt and am also working my way the first set of lessons. I've thoroughly enjoyed making the quilts and have learnt so much.
Anne Cresswell - Cushion for my granddaughter, learnt so much from Philippa’s wonderful tutorials.
Ellen Suttie - I have enjoyed all the classes but loved my first attempt at foundation piecing. Was so pleased with the block that I added a border and piping to make a cushion cover following Philippa‘s excellent lessons.

Val ward - This is my first quilt and I used Philippa’s beginners class and precision piecing to complete. It is a gift for one of my grandchildren. Thanks Philippa for your sharing your skills.

Susan Rowe - I attach a pic of a quilt I did when I first began with QQT. It was fun to make and reflects the South Coast where we live.

Di Breed

Glenys O'Shea - I would like you to see the circles I have recently sewn using Philippa’s teaching. They are not perfect but I am quite happy with them. The template I had to use was bigger than those in the circles pouch so I improvised. Like everything, I learned from my mistakes.

Maddy Butler

Jean Campbell

ML Sutherland

Juliet Harris - Happy heart class. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and the template remains stuck on my wall as a reminder to have another go!

Janet Finke - This is the quilt I made for the Beginner's class (also a pillow and pretend, kid-sized potholders)

Janet Finke - one of the blocks from Precision Piecing that is set to become a pillow for the grandkids. I am learning so much with each class and am enormously grateful for all of your work to share electronically.

Christine Chapman - I have forwarded this small example of some trapunto work. I have managed this after Phillipa's lesson of trapunto work in the quilters question time 12 months of lessons. I did enjoy making this and your trapunto lesson

Eileen Mather - 2 pictures of my cushions which would not have been anywhere near as good without Phillippa's classes. I am very proud of them and visitors always comment on them.I used the fpp for the pineapple block and applique for the dresdon plate. All blocks used techniques from the classes.

Eileen Mather
Shirley Maddocks - Attaching photo of my quilt made during Philippa’s beginners quilt course

Susan Corbett - Here is my Beginners Quilt in which I have also used techniques from the Piping and Binding class together with Mitred Borders. Thanks, Philippa, for proving we are never too experienced (or old) to learn new ways of doing things and improving our skills!

Linda Chipman - I purchased this quilt as a kit about 2 1/2 years ago. I had very little quilting experience (about 40+ years ago). I do sew, but not quilt. When I received the package I immediately thought I had bit off more than I can chew. I opened it several times but was terrified to even cut the fabric. Then I found Philippa’s classes. I started with the 1/2 square triangles and then put them together into the pinwheel blocks. Then I waited for the paper piecing instructions and tackled the pointed arches. Next I tackled the curved piecing. I also put a couple of colourful columns on the back using leftover fabric from the front. I was not brave enough to FMQ it and I sent it out to a long armer. I just have the binding left to do now. I would never have been able to accomplish this without the wonderful detailed instruction. I am practicing FMQ and am going to attempt to quilt an I Spy for my granddaughter. Thank you Philippa and David for such well presented classes. I enjoyed each and every one!

Doris Redmond - Class on cording on cushions with zipper .

Christine Ware - My image shows my first ever quilt using Philippa's techniques from the Beginners' class. I'm about to square up and hope to get the binding on and finish so I can move on to the next class.

Belinda Hyland - Here is my favourite precision piecing sample from Philippa’s class. I spent ages choosing the fabrics and I was delighted with the outcome.

Carol Ziemba - My very first quilting experience from the Beginner’s Class and I am hooked!

Jean Brown - Here's a photo of the sample I did after your first lesson. I'm really enjoying your course and you're certainly helping me attain a better 'perfection' - which really pleases me! So thank you very much.

Sandra Humphries - My Happy Heart completed into a cushion cover following Philippa's classes. I've even done a little bit of appliqué on it.

Kim Fricker - I attach a photo which shows my first ever trapunto work, with my first try at free motion quilting as well, after doing Philippa's classes on both, using her template for the design. I hang it proudly on my wall at home.

Mary Gilbert - This is my Happy hearts project for the gallery for the book draw. I really enjoyed this and have used the curved piecing skills on another project.

Lis Dawson - So far so good, now on to border, quilting and piping.I love the classes but get distracted too often, so have to go back over the instructions again and again.This time I am determined to finish although it is only a small wall hanging.

Susan Hockley - Still have to trim, square and do the the binding, but I'm getting there!